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Rhode Island Lien Law Updates

Updates to the Bill Took Effect 6/27/23

NeSSA is thrilled to report that long-desired changes to Rhode Island’s lien law have taken effect on June 27th. Many know that the laws in Rhode Island have been confusing and difficult to navigate, so we hope that these changes can alleviate some of the headache and make the entire process simpler for our operators. Thank you to SSA's Legal & Legislative team for their work and diligence in helping us find ways to improve the law.

Updates to the Rhode Island lien law include:

  • One notice must to be sent via newspaper publication in the city or town where the tenant was last known to reside (publication previously required three times)
    • This is only necessary if you are unable to obtain personal service after the second notice
  • The demand period was shortened from 30 days to 20 days
  • Online sales are now expressly allowed

For more information about the new State of Rhode Island Lien Law, you can read the full, final version of the Bill here. Of course, you can also always reach out to us for any questions!

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